
Specialist engagement SEN ​SEMH education

enabling all to thrive

Services available for Schools and individuals

Re-engagement in School service

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SEMH Anxiety OCD

Trauma Informed

ASD ADHD ​Processing

About Flourish

A re-engagement service in schools

Flourish is a specialist SEN SEMH education re-​engagement in school service.

The well-being of pupils/children/young people is at the ​heart of everything we do. Flourish have a humanistic, ​person-centred approach, holding the young person in ​unconditional positive regard. Utilising Active listening, ​therapeutic communication techniques and oracy, ​Flourish works to create a positive and purposeful ​atmosphere. Positive working relationships are built ​through putting self-respect and feelings, thoughts, ​observations and interests as central in the process to ​working on English, Maths and Science based activities.

A person-centred bespoke curriculum is developed ​over a short period of time to discover and nurture ​individual interests and needs.

Flourish believes in the unique gifts that we all inherently ​hold and that the discovery and celebration of what ​these are for individuals is part of our exciting journey ​and process offered.

As a specialist in Mainstream, SEN and SEMH education ​provision, Flourish uses its expertise to offer a re-​engagement service to schools. This is suitable for any ​pupil identified as experiencing difficulties in ​behaviour, attendance in classes and or school, or ​engagement in learning.

This service aims to make improvements to positive ​engagement in school in two main ways, they are: ​Through liaising with pupil/child/young person and all ​relevant staff and key adults. Flourish works to create ​positive strategies and interventions. These ​seemingly small adaptations, adjustments and ​support strategies are designed to create noticeable ​and measured improvement in positive engagement ​in school and lessons.

Flourish alongside the above run 1:1 and group ​specialist engagement sessions with an aim to ​increase positive engagement in lessons and school.

Flourish Services

Flourish Re-engagement ​in School Sevice

Learn with Flourish service

EHCP and or the situation of the ​pupil child/young person is ​studied and approaches, aims, ​targets and outcomes are ​identified. Sessions are set up ​involving Relationship building, ​EHCP targets and outcomes, ​English, Maths, Creativity, ​Science and Geography. The ​pupil/child/young person’s voice ​is heard and any issues raised or ​barriers identified, new strategies ​and approaches are identified.

Meetings with key staff, briefings ​and new strategies and ​approaches shared. These are ​reviewed and tweaked within the ​process of re-engagement ​becoming successful and ​complete. Once re-engagement ​has been successful, follow up ​sessions are offered.

These services include regular ​individual and group sessions with ​the pupil/child/young person.

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Recent ​reviews and ​feedback ​testimonials​

“Flourish gets our ​boys and sees the ​best in them. ​Flourish helped in ​every way especially ​with their school,”

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Flourish’s dedication to ​supporting our SEN students ​has been truly commendable, ​creating a positive and ​inclusive learning ​environment. her adept ​relationship-building skills ​foster a sense of trust and ​understanding, greatly ​benefiting the engagement in ​the classroom dynamics and ​in School

Flourish has supported me ​with some tricky classes from ​ks3 through to ks5. One of ​her many strengths is ​building positive ​relationships with students ​enabling them to become the ​best version of themselves. ​She has a calm and warming ​presence.

“Flourish is wonderful with my 13 year old.

My daughter has Aspergus syndrome and just didn't do well in a school ​environment,

Flourish works with my daughter’s interests and keeps her excited about what ​it is they are working on, she also puts my daughter at ease.

If you are needing some extra help with engagement in school work or thinking ​of SEN SEMH schooling I highly recommend Flourish.“

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Recent reviews and feedback testimonials

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“You make the ​lessons fun.

You help us with our ​problems.”

You understand us all

Thank you for your constant ​encouragement always ​supporting us to be ourselves ​and the best we can be

“You ​care ​about ​uS”

Services and costs

50.00 per hour per child/young ​person/pupil

Contact Flourish



mob 07500558016